let productQuantityNum = 20; //initialize product quantity variable
let soldOutText = "Edition Sold Out" //initialize variable to display "sold out" text when inventory is 0
$w.onReady(function () {
//TODO: write your page related code here...
$w('#productPage1').getProduct() //get current product
.then( (product) => {
productQuantityNum = product.quantityInStock; //get quantity in stock for current product
if (productQuantityNum > 0) { //if it's greater than 0, Display number remaining
let productQuantityString = productQuantityNum.toString();
$w("#quantityRemainingText").text = productQuantityString + " remaining";
} else {
$w("#quantityRemainingText").text = soldOutText; //display sold out text
} )
.catch( (error) => {
} );
top of page
5 Inch Fabric Squares
There are 42 pieces of fabric in this Pack
Moda - Charm Pack - Midnight In The Garden - Sweetfire Road - Multi